CONTEXT: Starbucks Coffee is the synonymous world over with warmth, social engagement, and a deep sense of comfort. The client was very keen to bring this branding to the landscape and workplace itself through innovative and sustainable placemaking on the site. The site also had pre-existing underground features that had to be seamlessly integrated into the landscape.

DESIGN: The design was primarily inspired by the process of making coffee - from cultivation to brewing. Landforms mimicking the terraced coffee plantations offered a chance to create interesting backdrops for social engagement. The Eco-corridor spanning the length of the entire site allows visitors/employees to wander around naturalized landscapes that also act as stormwater basins with their unique micro-ecosystems. Large shade structures provide flexible respite areas for lounging or for hosting larger social events. The design emphasizes placemaking and aims to blur the line between indoor and outdoor spaces thus promoting a relaxed, comfortable experience that aligns very well with the Starbucks idealogy.

Starbucks Kunshan Landscape

Role: Project Landscape Architect

Client: Starbucks Coffee Company

Size: 7.8 Acres

Location: Kunshan, China

Status: Construction Documentation


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